Equipment for the wet waste industry
Examples of applications using the dewatering process are;
Domestic waste streams – Septic tanks, grease traps
Industrial waste streams – Gas holders, cooling towers, refinery and mining settling ponds, aggregate washings, stone cutting silts, paint shop residues, abattoirs, tanneries, food processing, wet wells
Environmental waste streams – Sweeper and gully residues, storm drains and culvert, dykes and watercourse, garden ponds, SuDs (Sustainable Drainage Systems), forecourt and surface interceptors, car washes
The dewatering process is used on many other custom applications.
Here at Dexter Watson we are supported by over 90 years experience of engineering and manufacturing with our parent company. Allowing us access to some of the latest manufacturing techniques, processes and machinery in the world. Dexter Watson can design, prototype and manufacture bespoke equipment for your specialist jobs.