Equipment for the wet waste industry
The concept of dewatering wet waste aims to produce a manageable end product through volume reduction, therefore delivering substantial savings on transport and disposal costs.
There are a number of dewatering systems on the market such as centrifuges, belt presses etc. all of which produce more or less the same end results. The disadvantages of these systems are the high capital expenditure involved as well as the expensive running and maintenance costs.
The advantages of the Dexter Watson’s dewatering system over the other systems are its simplicity, mobility and low operating costs.
Simplicity: Our system comprises of a Dewatering Container (DWC) fitted with specialised hard wearing filter panels which separates the flocculated solid and water fractions whilst being delivered by a Polymer Makeup & Dosing Unit. Being a gentle process it uses the waste products own weight and gravity to produce a cake and returns a clean filtrate. Having a 28m³ capacity the DWC can handle high volumes of throughput and can deliver overall volume reductions of up to 95%. The DWC is fitted with a full width top hinged rear door through which the unit is emptied when tipped. The rear door is opened and secured using a hydraulic closure mechanism operated from the front where all the units fill, decant and sample points are situated. There is a foldaway ladder also situated at the front and when drawn down erects a lightweight handrail for access to the top where the units inspection hatches are located.
Mobility: The DWC is mounted onto roll-on-off hooklift chassis for ease of transportation and positioning.
Operating costs: Apart from periodically washing the filter panels and greasing the rear door, chassis rollers and inspection hatches the DWC is virtually maintenance free.
Application examples:
Domestic waste streams – Septic tanks, grease traps, garden ponds.
Industrial waste streams – Gas holders, cooling towers, refinery and mining settling ponds, aggregate washings, stone cutting silts, paint shop residues, abattoirs, tanneries, food processing, wet wells.
Environmental waste streams – Sweeper and gully residues, storm drains and culvert, dykes and other watercourses, Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs), forecourt oil and surface water interceptors, car washes
The standard size of the Dewatering Container is 28m³ but can be produced in various sizes from 6m³ up to 42m³.
Benefits of Dewatering Container;
For more details please phone 01904 735346 or e-mail
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